Ekam Journey

Well today’s world is quite unsecured & chaotic due to the fact that the old world has to vanish according to the divine evolutionary plan. 

Then, it will be possible to enter safely into the new era, a new world to manifest a complete different way of experiencing the life itself. 

It will be a very good opportunity for the human beings to encounter their true Self & their connections with their celestial nature as well as their material belongings. 

EKAM JOURNEY DNA is to accompany this huge transformation: 

EKAM JOURNEY welcomes any brothers and sisters who are looking for new values, new understandings on their spiritual path. 

EKAM JOURNEY is in the heart of the HIMALAYAS. This land is the perfect place to have a pause, some moments to open-up, to receive, to encounter the true Self, this inner love power. 

Through this immersion into the green Mother India, it is easy to reconnect to who you are, this divine part of you  who is waiting for your openness to its wisdom and knowledge. 

To help you to proceed, EKAM JOURNEY proposes some wonderful techniques to liberate yourself from your bondages & will help you to create a new reality in harmony with your body, mind and soul. 

You will have the possibility to live in a spiritual community for a while, the time is yours. No dogma is followed as EKAM JOURNEY is very different from the old patterns and style to change your life as it revendicates to be a modern centre with more than one teacher to help you to make up your mind with different sensitivities and cultural backgrounds ( Indian, European…) 

Everyone is different and free to experience their own reality. 

EKAM land is like an incubation place to have a second birth and start living in consciousness. It is a place to pay attention, to focus, and to give life to your intentions as well as to heal, to revitalise, to regenerate and to express your skills toward your existence. 

Biggest enemies such as mental ego satisfactions, denial towards the reality of life itself, unhealthy habits, laziness, resistances to embrace your own truth, have to be recognised and understood clearly. 

In fact EKAM JOURNEY is an art of living a life full of wonders. 

To explore the Self together, EKAM JOURNEY has a constructive team work, to propose you some participative discourses, events to open-up, to remove any misunderstandings, issues or obstacles to help you to download a new version of who you are. 

To become the master of your existence, you can join some yog courses and meditation sessions. 

It will be possible to discover the Self, its energy, its vibrations and its frequencies, thanks to some holistic therapies such as Shiatsu, Kundalini massages, Crystal healing therapies … 

The main idea behind EKAM JOURNEY is to reset, to purify your life during and after this profound encounter with your higher Self, your abilities to recover, to go one more time though life with confidence, abundance & grace. 

For sure, the way to look at life will change completely, each person will develop so much love, harmony, joy and caring to thyself and others. 

It is also possible to travel some Indian villages exploring your true SELF as you will be confronted to another way of dealing with life. Local culture is so amazing and tasty. (Organic food) 


Our Team

We work with great passion & joy as a team to work towards our long term vision. Working with Ekam is a dream work culture for many aspiring social workers where they learn, grow & evolve together while contributing towards a better future.